I love this. It's the kind of piece that makes you rethink everything you've overlooked—like the cup noodle cooling fan or that one time I tried goat yoga.

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I have so many questions. "How many times did someone get peed on by a goat?" being the first one.

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Here's to connecting the dots. The soundtrack could totally be U2's "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For'

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"Then all the colors will bleed into one." 🤍

But I still, haven't found, what I'm looking for!

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Deepti, this is good advice! Reminds me of David Epstein's "Range", which I'd highly recommend - it's all about collecting dots.

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Oh, I haven't read that one. Will check out- thanks, Neha!

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Don't stop putting your dots on the page, someday they will make sense :)

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That's the plan, Eddy- soooo many dots to put!

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I can attest that a handheld garment steamer IS life changing. I've had more conversations about it than I think is normal. Loved your insights and the framing of "putting more dots on the page."

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Thank you, Celeste. Relieving to know there are others out there!

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That surfboard looks just like the one I had when I was trying to create dots of my own in Bali!

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Maybe it was the same one! Who knows how many times we will both have been in the same exact place on this vast planet, just at different times, before we finally actually meet.

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"1.5 years ago, a garment steamer changed my life." This has to be one of the most effective opening lines I've seen. : ) So enjoying your stuff Deepti.

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Thanks, Rick! I make sure never to mention if it's changed for the better or for the worse. Keeps room to go in either direction haha!

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For sure. Smart move.

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